Canadian Open 2018

Canadian Open Round 5:
Board 3: FM John Doknjas vs. GM John Fedorowicz – Draw
Board 4: GM Alexander Cherniaev vs. CM Joshua Doknjas – Draw

150 players representing Canada, USA, Russia, India, Belgium, France, Lebanon, and Italy travelled to Quebec City from July 7-14, 2018 and competed in 5 sections (Open, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400) at the Canadian Open which offered a guaranteed prize fund of $15,000.  9 round Swiss with time control:  40/90 + 30m SD with 30 sec incr.

Congratulations to Canadian Open Co-Champions, IM Raymond Kaufman and Bitan Banerjee!


Congratulations to BC Players, Jessica Qian who scored the only perfect score of 9/9 in the tournament en route to winning the top prize in the U1400 section; and William Bremner won the top U2000 prize.


FM John Doknjas has the distinction of being the only player in the tournament to play all 3 GMs during the Canadian Open. John drew both GM John Fedorowicz and GM Alexander Cherniaev. CM Joshua Doknjas also drew GM Alexander Cherniaev.

Additional Photos
Results and Standings